





Federal Resources

U.S. 律政司-统计数字

In October, 2023, 司法统计局, 在司法部司法项目办公室工作, released 人口贩运数据收集活动,2023年. This report describes BJS’s activities during 2022 and 2023 to collect data and report on human trafficking as required by the Combat Human Trafficking Act of 2015 (34 U.S.C. § 20709(e)).


This website has a vast array of resources available to help survivors as well as practitioners who want to learn more about human trafficking.

Blue Campaign - U.S. 国土安全部

The Blue Campaign is a national public awareness campaign designed to educate the public, law enforcement, 并得到其他行业合作伙伴的认可 indicators of human trafficking, and how to appropriately respond to possible cases. A Spanish 版本也可用.


The FBI works human trafficking cases under its Crimes Against Children and 人口贩运计划. They take a trauma informed, victim-centered approach in investigating these cases.

U.S. Department of State

国务院发布了一份 report 每年打击人口贩运. 《拉菲2平台用户登录》概述了全球人口贩运问题, and describes efforts made to combat trafficking during the pandemic.Polaris Project

Polaris Project

This website 包括大量关于人口贩卖的信息, including statistics, resources, and other materials. They also serve victims through the National Human Trafficking Hotline and the National Human Trafficking Referral Directory which  consists of anti-trafficking organizations and programs that offer emergency, transitional, or long-term services to victims and survivors of human trafficking as well as those that provide resources and opportunities in the anti-trafficking field.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services - Office on Trafficking in Persons

The mission of this office is to combat human trafficking by supporting and leading systems that prevent trafficking through public awareness and protect victims through identification and assistance, 帮助他们重建生活,自给自足. 该网站包含各种各样的资源.

人口贩运外联工具包- 2020年7月

This toolki tPDF Download, created by Project TRUST (Trauma Response to Uplift Survivors of Trafficking), applies trauma-informed practices to human trafficking outreach programs. It offers background information on trauma-informed outreach and methods to increase outreach effectiveness and inclusivity. This survivor-informed toolkit offers a self-directed model to promote critical thinking when creating outreach campaigns across audiences for awareness building, fundraising, client connection, 以及合作伙伴合作的目的.

The 律政司 - Office for Victims of Crime: Human Trafficking

This website is hosted by the Office for Victims of Crime, which is a component of the U.S. 律政司. It contains a variety of resources and training tools, including:

•资源与研究 Library

•人口贩运培训的面孔 Materials 其中包括讨论指南、视频和情况说明书

• Information for Survivors including a map 服务提供者和工作小组

The Typology of Modern Slavery: Defining Sex and Labor Trafficking in the United States - The Polaris Project

北极星分析了超过32个,000 cases of human trafficking documented between December 2007 and December 2016 through its operation of the National Human Trafficking Hotline — one of the largest data set on human trafficking in the United States ever compiled and publicly analyzed. Polaris’s research team analyzed the data and developed a classification system that identifies 25 types of human trafficking in the United States. Read the report.

What Should Judges Know About Federal, Tribal, and State Domestic Child Sex Trafficking Legislation?

This document PDF Downloadalso covers what judges need to know about recent legislation that effects victims of DCST.


Developed in partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance, this guide was created to assist in the development and operation of anti-human trafficking task forces, and provides fundamental guidance for effective task force operations. 它是一个电子学习工具,包含:

  • Guidance on how to form and develop vnew human trafficking task forces
  • 加强现有人口贩运工作队的想法
  • Creative strategies, examples, and lessons learned from existing task forces
  • Links to tools, trainings, and resources, including case studies


This nonprofit organization is working to put an end to modern slavery and human trafficking through comprehensive, lifesaving services to survivors and a platform to advocate for groundbreaking policies and legislation. They have a variety of resources and training materials available.


This website is a national anti-trafficking hotline serving victims and survivors of human trafficking and the anti-trafficking community in the United States. The toll-free hotline is available to answer calls from anywhere in the country, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 一年中的每一天都有200多种语言.国家热线也可以通过电子邮件联系 help@humantraffickinghotline.org,提交小费 网上举报表格,并访问网址 www.humantraffickinghotline.org.Their mission is to provide human trafficking victims and survivors with access to critical support and services to get help and stay safe, and to equip the anti-trafficking community with the tools to effectively combat all forms of human trafficking.


This organization is working to advance understanding of the nature and extent of human trafficking: how to improve the detection, investigation, 以及对贩运者的起诉, and how to address the needs of victims and provide needed services.


The ABA has created a resource page and webinar to assist attorneys interested in working with human trafficking cases.



State Resources

G.R.A.C.E. 法院-佛罗里达州第十一巡回法院

佛罗里达州第十一巡回法院是G.R.A.C.E. Court – Growth Renewed through Acceptance, Change and Empowerment. According to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC), G.R.A.C.E. Court is the first specialized court in the nation devoted to the needs of children who have been identified as victims of commercial sexual exploitation and labor trafficking.


这是佛罗里达州第11巡回法院的一个小组制作的 benchbookPDF Download 是为了协助法官审理人口贩运案件.


The Attorney General is committed to make Florida a zero-tolerance state for human trafficking. The office 是否形成了多项举措来打击这一罪行, from launching the Highway Heroes Campaign that aims to train Florida truck drivers to spot trafficking to creating the 100 Percent Club to recognize Florida businesses and organizations taking steps to train all employees on the signs of human trafficking and more. 资源也可用.


由司法部长穆迪担任主席的15人委员会, builds on existing state and local partnerships working to combat human trafficking. Read the 2022 annual reportPDF Download.


The Florida Department of Health is taking a public health approach to combating human trafficking. 鉴于该部门服务的人群多样化, there is great potential for victims of human trafficking to come into contact with the Department. The Department is committed to moving from awareness to action in its efforts to eradicate human trafficking in Florida. 该网站包含资源和信息.


This guidePDF Download is designed to help child welfare and delinquency professionals screen for possible youth victims of human trafficking.





Human trafficking and migrant smuggling are global and widespread crimes that use men, 妇女和儿童牟利. The organized networks or individuals behind these lucrative crimes take advantage of people who are vulnerable, 绝望或者只是为了更好的生活. UNODC strives for the eradication of these crimes through the dismantling of the criminal enterprises that trade in people and the conviction of the main perpetrators. Ultimately,  他们保护人们免受虐待, neglect, 与这些罪行有关的剥削甚至死亡.



Specific Populations

国家青年法律中心- 2023年

这个组织创造了一个 guide, entitled Improving Supports for Male Survivors of Sexual Exploitation, designed to help service providers break down biases and barriers to better identify boys and young men and help them recover and prosper.

The National Center for Youth Law has also created Strategies to End Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Youth: A toolkit for collaborative action, a practical how-to guide that offers best practices gleaned from our decade of working to address the commercial sexual exploitation of children and youth. The toolkit 包括一系列宣传工具, on-the-go worksheets, case studies and other resources to boost the planning and implementation of a tailored, 倡导协作式社区改革战略, policy makers, service providers, leaders can use in their communities to lay the groundwork for change themselves.


This website highlights news, resources, and more related to human trafficking and the efforts of agencies to prevent incidents of trafficking.


This documentPDF Download is a one-page tip sheet for families that includes summaries about what's happening, what might be seen, and what can be done.

Voices from the Bench: Judicial Perspectives on Handling Child Sex Trafficking Cases - 2019

This document describes what judges have learned from their experiences handling domestic child sex trafficking (DCST) cases and implementing victim-centered approaches. 它也可以作为一个实用的 reference source for juvenile and family court judges interested in improving outcomes in these challenging cases. It is our hope judges will use the information emerging from the field to improve their DCST practices and handling of these cases.





The collaborative is a joint effort between some of the nation’s most respected state court support and education organizations sponsored by the State Justice Institute in an effort to address human trafficking in the state courts. HTC是由公共政策研究中心协调的, 国家司法学院, 法院创新中心, 全国女法官协会, Legal Momentum and the Center for Human Trafficking Court Solutions.


The video,  From Defendant to Survivor: How Courts Are Responding to Human Trafficking, profiles three courts that have forged new responses to sex trafficking. A guide is also available to help viewers understand the key principles of court models that effectively divert human trafficking and prostitution cases from prosecution. 这些原则包括回应被告的创伤, 将它们连接到服务, 促进支持受害者的各机构之间的合作, and taking a flexible approach to how success is defined in light of the complex and unique challenges facing these victims.


Most human trafficking courts take key principles from the problem-solving court model to address trafficking. This document produced by the federal Office for Victims of Crime describes the general characteristics found in most specialized human trafficking courts.


纽约联合法院系统 人口贩运干预法庭 are committed to ensuring trauma-informed responses to justice-involved victims of sex trafficking.





The growing awareness of human trafficking in the United States and abroad requires government and human services agencies to develop and implement effective policies and practices for identifying and serving. Child welfare agencies are often on the front lines of these changes as the first responders. Children and youth involved with the child welfare system due to abuse or neglect and then placed in foster care or group homes—as well as youth who are involved with the justice system or have run away, or become homeless, 经常面临被拐卖的高风险. 儿童福利资讯门户 has a wealth of resources available on their website.


This guidePDF Download assists parents, guardians, caregivers, and teachers by describing several measures they can take to help protect children from becoming victims of online child predators.
